Not everything that counts can be counted,
and not everything that can be counted counts.
William Bruce Cameron
LawyersCollaborative is a private law firm with a public service mission.
The Collaborative model offers the collective wisdom of (i) seasoned Staff General Counsel lawyers, each with at least 20 years' broad legal experience, including substantial trial experience, regularly working together and sharing responsibility, at no additional cost, with (ii) pre-screened trial lawyers and other specialists* from the Collaborative's roster of independent lawyers and allied professionals.
The three Staff General Counsel currently serving have almost a century or broad legal experience. And working with independent experts in every field enables the Collaborative and its Staff General Counsel to serve the most basic to the most sophisticated legal needs of individuals, families, and businesses.
The Collaborative is dedicated and actively working to improve understanding of the American legal system and expand access to justice, including by initiatives to "unbundle" legal services, counsel, and advice, assist litigants representing themselves in court through Limited Engagements, and help the less fortunate through reduced and waived fee programs.
*The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers in the general practice of law. The court does not license or certify any lawyer as an expert or specialist in any particular field of practice. See also, Notices.
Site Navigation
Staff General Counsel: Bios of those serving, with a link to some selected quotes
Experience: Examples of the kind of work the Collaborative handles
Services: Details some of the services the Collaborative offers
What to Expect: Discusses what you and the Collaborative may expect of each other
Contact Us: How to contact the Collaborative
Notices: Trademark and other notices
FULL: Frequently Used Law Links (this page has links and resources for consumers)
A profession is not a business.
It is distinguished by the requirements of extensive formal training and learning,
admission to practice by qualifying licensure,
a code of ethics imposing standards qualitatively and extensively beyond
those that prevail or are tolerated in the marketplace,
a system for discipline of its members for violation of the code of ethics,
a duty to subordinate financial reward to social responsibility, and, notably,
an obligation on its own members, even in nonprofessional matters,
to conduct themselves as members of
a learned, disciplined, and honorable occupation.
Hon. Charles Breitel
Former Chief Judge, New York Court of Appeals,
Matter of Freeman, 34 N.Y.2d 1, 7 (1974)